All Blog Posts (1,797)

Kaffa Cafe, a lonely walker on this lonely planet!

For years after I joining the website and forums abroard where we can meet the baristas, home-baristasm, and coffee professionals, we had been still alone for the good coffee and espresso drinks.

In Chinese phrases, we say that it is the coldest when you are at the high level of development. It is what we have to be, and let us be there.

I cannot conclude that the effects for the trainees from other training of baristas, while for us, it is so nice to have more and… Continue

Added by Peter Tam on May 5, 2008 at 1:17pm — 11 Comments

USBC Finalists Announced

Just watched the finalists announcement, here they are:

Nick Griffith, Intelligentsia Coffee & Tea

Pete Licata, PT’s Coffee Roasting Company

Chris Baca, Ritual Coffee Roasters

Heather Perry, Coffee Klatch

Kyle Glanville, Intelligentsia Coffee & Tea

Drew Catlin, Ritual Coffee Roasters

Congratulations to all of the competitors, what an unbelievably tough competition. Best of luck to all the finalists… Continue

Added by Matt Milletto on May 4, 2008 at 5:26pm — No Comments

The real experience for you guys. I got it! Visiting a plantation in Antigua Guatemala.

Hey guys, I guess you haven't heard from me before or know a lot about me, I'm not a barista but a coffee grower and promotor from Guatemala. I had been in this business since I was 18 or so. My family has been in the coffee business for more than 2 generations and I guess the passion goes generation after generation. I had always wanted to share the passion and art of coffee, not as a beverage ONLY but as our culture. We grow in the culture of… Continue

Added by Pablo Castaneda on May 4, 2008 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

2008 SCAA - Coffee Kids and the Key(note)

Coffee Kids was delighted to be able to present at the keynote address at the Specialty Coffee Association of America's (SCAA) Conference and Exhibition.

We'd like to thank all of our members, partners and sponsors throughout the world who have helped make it possible. We recently put together this video with the help of Machine Hero, a Providence, R.I.-based firm. It features images from our partners in Latin America and interviews with a number of our long term supporters and… Continue

Added by Coffee Kids on May 2, 2008 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Things That Don't Make Sense This Late At Night

So I like wandering around Craigslist late at night. You never know when you might stumble upon that sofa that just screams "you". Not that I've found that sofa, or anything else, but I've always wanted to window shop yard sales in my underwear...

So I'm on Craigslist and I'm noticing more and more grave plots up for sale. Some people have foresight... That late night commercial about sparing loved ones your final costs really make an impression on them. They drop a couple of grand… Continue

Added by ZZZZZZZZ on May 2, 2008 at 4:22am — No Comments

SCAA Conference Blog

Go to starting Friday for the live blogging of the 2008 SCAA Conference and Exhibition from Minneapolis!

Added by Nick Cho on May 1, 2008 at 10:45pm — No Comments

A Location, Finally!

So after several months of driving around, calling agents and visiting spaces, I think we may have found the one. It is an up and coming area, and the community is experiencing a revitalization. We have not signed the lease purposefully until all plans and schematics have been approved by the city. Our architect, Christine Mondoor from evolve architecture, is just starting the process. We're working on a budget (who isn't?) and things are really getting exciting, but so scary… Continue

Added by Amelie & Barb on May 1, 2008 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Our "Derby Day" tradition

There is a tradition at my house. On Derby Day, we eat fried chicken and drink Mint Juleps.

To be clear, I live in Charlotte, North Carolina. I'm not even from Louisville. Maybe its because my brother Nick is a chef there and The Derby is a pretty significant event in his world. More likely, its because it is associated with a pretty good (and rather unusual) drink.

So on Derby Day, we eat fried chicken and drink Mint Juleps.

OK... its a cliche. I'm fine with… Continue

Added by Brady on May 1, 2008 at 6:00pm — No Comments

It came from the ground

I drink coffee, no actually I sip it, I roast it, I smell it to see what it wants to say. It oily. it's hot, really hot when it comes out. I think about the people all over the world who pick the cherries all day meticulously and there life depends on it. We forget about them sometimes.

Added by vincent on May 1, 2008 at 5:15pm — 2 Comments


Today is a hard day for the espresso and me. Together we try so hard.
The grinder broke. Therefore we stopped or went to fast. What trials we've had today. Now it is cold and we don't can't handle all this change at the same time. Weak and weeping, trickle down.

Added by Carrollann on April 29, 2008 at 3:14pm — No Comments

i luvs da coffee

mmm.. good coffee

Added by Count on April 29, 2008 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Barista = bartender? So, we need spirits.

I am writing my book as a manual, for baristas, so it should include the knowledge about spirits and cocktails.

I am learning while I am reading and writing. When I am getting to know it, what do I expect to know about? Should I found the similar situation for this part of the world? Or, it is different.

Anyway, let us see and expect.

I have got the Bible, in Chinese edition, and it really help. But, the real situation has to be found later.

Anybody… Continue

Added by Peter Tam on April 29, 2008 at 11:17am — 1 Comment

Barista Jam & 2nd Latteart Competition in Tokyo

29th April.

We had barista jam & latteart competiton in Tokyo....

There are many baristas from famous cafe in Tokyo (doubletall cafe, Zoka Japan, Paul Bassette, aSuka, ig cafe....)

Discussing coffee and competing their latteart technique.

it was very enjoyable !!!!

I'll upload the photo for another day...

Added by Masa Onishi on April 29, 2008 at 9:30am — No Comments

Northwest Food Service Show

Excited to say I spent the last two days on the "sales side" of the espresso bar at this show. (Only a total of an hour this time making drinks) I always find it amazing to get feedback from the good folks we see once a year. They are the familiar faces of the food and beverage industry that are patient enough to wait among potential customers and coffee fans for a short latte or cap. We surely shine at this show, which is such a great compliment to all the other fabulous vendors providing the… Continue

Added by Sarah Dooley on April 29, 2008 at 1:21am — No Comments

please read my professional coffee blog. . .



Added by byron on April 28, 2008 at 4:43pm — 2 Comments

No Man Can Serve Two (or Three) Masters

Time and time again, when I talk to people about coffee business strategy it seems the top priority is speed. "I want the customer to be able to be in and out in 90 seconds or less," and the like seem to have somehow become the goal to strive for in regards to customer service.

Fine. Good. Quick service is hard to look down on, but is that all there is to it? Of course not!

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that speed isn't a noble practice. I'm saying that it… Continue

Added by Jason Haeger on April 28, 2008 at 9:30am — 23 Comments

"Free" wifi password software for coffeehouses

I tried, I really did. I tried to be the cool independent coffeehouse that turned the other cheek when someone came in and used my free wifi for HOURS without buying a single item. I'm not sure if it's the current economic situation or what but recently there have been tons of freeloaders coming in and just taking up space that paying customers would normally use. So I've finally decided to put a password on net usage so only customers can use it for free. Anyone know of a good software package… Continue

Added by Shane on April 24, 2008 at 8:33pm — 2 Comments

SP-1 For Coffee by SelbySoft - New Version 7.10 Just Released!!!

There are some exciting things happening over here at SelbySoft with our SP-1 For Coffee Point of Sale System!

We just released Version 7.10 of our software. Version 7.10 incorporates two exciting new features.

Our latest F.A.S.T. order system has been implemented and is released in version 7.10. Fast Access Screen Technology is the latest innovation to make your life easier when using the SP-1 For Coffee POS System.

Basically, we know that… Continue

Added by Mike Spence on April 24, 2008 at 3:48pm — 3 Comments

Latte Art at McDonalds ?

McDonalds is now promoting latte art on their new site ... but if you click on the images of the drinks, you will see a latte like one might expect from the fast food giant.

- Matt

Added by Matt Milletto on April 24, 2008 at 12:19pm — 8 Comments

Handpresso - and the lonesome cowboy.

Watch for Handpresso at the SCAA show.

Added by Matt Milletto on April 24, 2008 at 11:57am — 2 Comments

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