The Barista Formerly Known As JavaJ's Comments

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At 9:12am on June 23, 2009, Sarah Dooley said…
Hey Jay,

You know things are busy, its slowly coming together the right way. When you going to be this way dude?
At 10:18am on June 4, 2009, jon stovall said…
hi you are scary fo sho. cheers. love jon
At 8:27am on May 14, 2009, Mike Spence said…
Hey J - Sorry - they found it!
At 6:59am on May 14, 2009, Mike Spence said…
Hi J - I've got a quick favor to ask of you. I have someone that bought your equipment off Ebay and they don't have the administrator password for windows. Do you happen to have it? If not, not the end of the world but I promised them I would try!
Thanks - Mike@SelbySoft.
At 3:31am on May 11, 2009, Scott Alesci said…
I saw some pictures of Bloom in your collage! I turned my resume and a cover letter in there last week. I'm worried because I KNOW I am the most passionate person about coffee that has applied there, but I am not as "indy" as the brothers or any of their other employees. It sucks not having any other good coffee shops down this way. btw I think you replied to my post on about where to work near Auburn. Anyway, you working in the biz in SF?
At 12:57pm on April 22, 2009, Cedric said…
I wish I can visit Pt's. It's too far from where I'm going to be in Kansas City. If I was the one driving, it would definetly be one of my stops.
At 11:29pm on April 21, 2009, Alex Negranza said…
I dabble. ;-P

Good things are happening in Seattle, my caffeinated friend....very good things.

What's your e-mail?
At 7:35am on April 12, 2009, IncognitoScott said…
Yeah 1 year of incognito... how are things for you?
At 6:04pm on April 10, 2009, Brady said…
Congrats on the new baby, J!
At 3:13pm on March 14, 2009, Andy Newbom said…
hows the J? Hows the city? rocking?
At 5:48am on February 22, 2009, Alex Negranza said…
Unfortunately, no. I wish I was though. I'm kinda screwed as is with coffee right now. I hate to say it, but I"m having such a hard time even finding a place to throw down some spro. I can't believe it. I wasn't able to go to Chicago to compete in Millrock because it was either that or pay my rent. Shitty. but hopefully things will come through sometime soon. I dig coffee too much to just sit back and relax and wait...

How are things with you?
At 11:22am on February 19, 2009, Daniel Gunter said…
Great! How have you been? I saw your posts, and thanks for saying such good things. It's always nice to hear that somebody likes what we're doing.
At 4:46pm on February 5, 2009, Lorenzo Perkins said…
Congrats to you too . . . feels pretty cool to know everything's in working order, right? ;)
At 1:18pm on January 19, 2009, Shar Griffith said…
you'll be able to watch it on UStream! he competes saturday @ about 11:15
At 7:58pm on January 17, 2009, Shar Griffith said…
hey are you guys coming down this week for the regional? are you gonna compete?
At 1:35am on January 17, 2009, Steve MacDowall said…
wow it's time for a coffee! By the way: the weather: -24°C (-11° Fahrenheit) this morning in Moncton but it is going up to -19°C (-2° Fahrenheit), with lots of sun and a little cloud. - have a great weekend - Steve
At 5:30pm on January 14, 2009, Joey Trujillo said…
Papa is strong! And we have some great employees that I hear are really stepping up to the plate since I left! But I do miss it... How are you J?
At 12:19am on January 14, 2009, Joshua Longsdorf said…
I think what you meant to say is don't drink the coffee flavored beverage, I don't know if they have that at jail probably prison but not jail you don't really get anything there except maybe a bologna sandwich.
At 9:11am on January 13, 2009, Joshua Longsdorf said…
tuesday today yes, next week I don't know we haven't gotten the schedule yet.
At 11:01pm on January 12, 2009, Joshua Longsdorf said…
no seriously, but i do want to drink yums coffee

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