Trevor's Comments

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At 12:34pm on January 27, 2009, courtney marie said…
haha, awesome, & thank you. let me know, man !
At 8:25am on January 27, 2009, Luis Zaman said…
Hey, it was pretty awesome for sure. I'm sure I'll be back soon! Next time it will be more of a coffee oriented trip anyway, this was mostly a check out a bit of Grand Rapids, so we'll spend more time there for sure. It was good stuff man, and I'm pretty excited for the IR12 :).
At 5:25pm on January 25, 2009, courtney marie said…
dude, it was such a bummer. founders wouldn't let me or ethan in, & the bob looked sooo packed, so we just went home. those wraps & that soup: sooo delicious. i hope we can all have a night out the next time we're out there. if i don't see you soon, i'll see you at coffeefest ! madcap = love.
At 4:22pm on January 25, 2009, Eric said…
Thanks for the hospitality, seriously we all had a great time at your shop!
At 7:59am on January 23, 2009, Miro said…
We're estimating about 5 or 6ish...
Ill let you know if that changes. Do you have i number i can contact, just in case.
At 9:39pm on January 22, 2009, Sam Granger said…
It was great chatting with you, I'll be in this weekend for sure.
Did I hear there's music on Friday?

At 4:00pm on January 22, 2009, tom said…
Congrats on throwing the doors open. Muncie is excited to hear it. Chris and I were on the verge of dropping everything today and sailing north... but duties called. Chris spent the afternoon tossing around some competition espresso blends, experimenting with that Natural Sidamo that we've fallin lustfully in love with... good times, great 'spro. How is the competition training in the house of Caps and Madness? Hope your opening days have gone off without a hitch. Is your GB/5 done singing those high pitches?.. I hope she's changed her tune by now.
At 2:24pm on January 22, 2009, Miro said…
I think a few homies and i will be dropping by tomorrow to get some madcap love. Do you want me to bring that Dcaff?

I'll bring some spro and things so we can jam and what not. See you soon.
At 11:25am on January 22, 2009, Kurt Stauffer said…
isn't that ridiculous. its a river of caramel with bits of fruit, spice, nuts, cocoa that just oozes across the palate like the river of chocolate in Willy Wonka. I'm impressed that you could tell it was great (just messin'). See ya round.
At 6:59am on January 18, 2009, Chris Apap said…
Sorry for missing the opening mate. I hope it went very well for you and the crew. I will be visiting tomorrow morning with some co-workers from the ad agency I work at. Cheers and happy sales Trevor!
At 8:57pm on January 17, 2009, Terika said…
Oh no! Sorry I missed it! I will try and make it soon! How did it go? It is ridiculously cold here...I need to move back to Seattle...
At 6:35pm on January 16, 2009, Chris Apap said…
Heard you guys are opening tomorrow (saturday the 19th) is this true?! Please say this rumor is not a wild accusation. My work moved just around the corner and I've been talking you guys up. Everyone goes to SBucks... no idea why people think it's so great. I'll bring everyone a cup of your coffee and they'll understand they've been living a lie.
At 6:26am on January 13, 2009, Terika said…
Are you open yet?
At 3:39pm on December 2, 2008, Terika said…
Things are going good at JP's. Yeah, keep us updated, there are a few of us itching to come and check the place out. Luckily I was able to avoid the plague and remain healthy. It was intense though...practically a ghost town with everybody staying in their rooms when the campus shut down. They even made t-shirts.
At 2:29pm on November 20, 2008, JIm Saborio said…
No, I meant the Western Front... the Eastern Front is dead unfortunately.
At 5:52am on November 19, 2008, Terika said…
Are you sure you don't want to reconsider that espresso in the plastic jars? ;)
How are things going?
At 10:43am on November 10, 2008, Chris DeMarse said…
not much.. it says it's stable, but I don't think it has a PID. You could buy just about any hot water brewer and add a PID as far as I know if you're looking for ultimate stability. The Fetco just came out with a PID'd model as well.
At 10:35am on November 7, 2008, Chris DeMarse said…
i sent you an email with some notes.. though your message answers most of them.
At 10:34am on November 7, 2008, Chris DeMarse said… or 800.350.9283 will get you the info you need. You may have to send a sample or do your own research on the typical water quality of GR in your area before you decide on a system. They are also making remineralization filters to go in conjunction with RO systems if that's your fancy.
At 9:58am on November 7, 2008, Chris DeMarse said…
hey, I'm at work at "can't use my phone", but I can chat on here if you need something

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