Finished!!!! (dances round room madly)

Hey everyone,
this is a bit of a cop-out blog post, but I thought I'd publicise today's Happy Thought.



I am currently registered as an MPhil student at university, and in order to be upgraded to PhD, I had to write an enormous paper, explaining exactly what I want to do in my research, and why I want to do it, and why it's remotely interesting to anybody else. Mine is all about the coffee industry. 4500 words DONE. YAY!

A few people on here have expressed an interest in my research before, so if anyone wants to have a look at it, send me a message. It's a bit academic, obviously, and I don't want to publish it on here cos I'd bore everyone to tears, but if anyone wants to have a look, I'll happily email it to you.

Off for Wine now (I love coffee but not for celebrations...)

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Comment by Bel Townsend on April 20, 2008 at 4:58am
yeah, I've read Wild - that book was written four years ago now though, and i think the certification regulations have changed quite a bit - I want to see for myself when I go out there how much they sell to where etc But you're right, selling the same crop at two different prices is a waste of the potential value of that crop.On the other hand, it is still better than abandoning the percentage of the crop that doesn't sell at fair trade prices. Assuming it's already been grown and harvested, selling it for something is still better than not being able to sell it at all, because the work and effort and skills and resources have already been put in before it sells.
I didn't know that about Costa, I'll have to see about that.
Thank you very much for your comments, anyway!
Comment by Dale Harris on April 18, 2008 at 11:43am
Sounds real good Bel -
was thinking about waste after I received an e-mail about costa moving over to rainforest aliance coffee over the next three years- does this announcement cause waste by devaluing uncertified coffee, even high end SO/COE, if the majority of consumers may see only ethical and unethical choices??
also in dark history wild comments that many FT &organic farms are only able to sell a % of their crop at certified prices due to demand limitation and the rest hits the market at unsustainable $$'s is that waste of perceived value?
just wondering
Comment by Fede Cabrera on April 17, 2008 at 5:06am
Hi Bel,

CONGRATULATIONS !!! I´ll love to read your paper.

Best regards,
Comment by Dale Harris on April 16, 2008 at 11:38am
well done!!! love to see it (
enjoy your wine!
Comment by Bel Townsend on April 15, 2008 at 6:06am
Cheers guys!!
Comment by Noelle on April 14, 2008 at 10:15pm
That is, if you even touched on the fair trade topic - - -
Comment by Noelle on April 14, 2008 at 10:14pm
I am just starting a paper of the fair trade movement. Mine is only gonna be 15 or 20 pages, but I have to use all primary sources (special research class). Anyway, if you have any primary fair trade info, or just your own input, I would love to hear from you. My email in
Comment by Jason Dominy on April 14, 2008 at 5:45pm
Congrats on getting it finished! Know you're glad it's done, now take a deep breath....Ahhhhhhh......

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