I am curious to see how all of you handle customers asking for no-foam. I just cringe every time I get that in an order, but I don't want to insult customers - What is your advice?

2nd question, is it necessary to rinse your portafilter after every use? I thought it was, but one of my coworkers disagrees. She thinks that the small amount of grinds left in the bottom and around the edges doesn't make a difference in taste or quality. Again, I disagree.

Thanks for your input!

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Comment by Jonathan Jarrow on April 12, 2008 at 9:27pm
I wanna make latte art in every cup too, but this is really a customer service issue. Some people just don't like foam, it's a textural preference. You cringe, yes, but I think you just gotta do it.

Also, DO make foam with the milk. It's super important for taste and temp. purposes. Then just hold the foam back when you pour the drink.
Comment by Stickman on April 12, 2008 at 6:26pm
No foam...I hate that! I usually say something like, "let me make you my best latte and if you don't love it you don't pay for it." Most people pay for it and order it next time.
As far as the rinse/wipe thing...I rinse and wipe after every drink and I have never heard comment nor have I ever tasted metal in my shots. I can't see metal-flavour being a problem unless the basket's worn. I'll read up on what Schomer says tho'......
Comment by Joe Marrocco on April 12, 2008 at 11:38am
Foam: Ah yes...Thank you *bx for ruining the latte. There is value in listening to the customer and giving them what they want. "The customer is always right" and all. But, I look at this as an opportunity to for education. If you have enough time, make a small sample latte (use the same ratio of espresso to milk, but do not waste too much product... or you could always make a whole thing and drink the rest,) and ask them to give your recipe a try. Be very gentle. Do not step on their toes. Maybe wait until the third or fourth time that they're in, in order to have some trust built. I have turned many people from foamy/wet mocha drinkers into latte drinkers into cap drinkers and finally into straight espresso or press drinkers. I feel that this is a goal.

"Please do not rinse your portafilter after every use. I know that The WCB Technical Score Sheet specifies;
Dry/clean filter basket before dosing and cleans porta filter (before insert)"

Dry/clean does NOT specify RINSE. Using espresso will season your portafilter. If you are busy enough, you will not need to rinse your portafilter but once an hour. You should then pop out the basket and clean it fairly thoroughly. You should then run a shot in order to season the portafilter again BEFORE serving any espresso drinks. Keeping the portafilter seasoned is CRUCIAL to giving out a good shot. If I go into a shop that rinses after every use I will not order an espresso drink. I do not like metallic espresso. I like pure clean espresso.

For more information on this read David Shomer's (Sp?) book Espresso 101. You can also talk to the espresso expert, Dr. Joseph John of Josuma Coffee Roasters. He is the guy that teaches the espresso classes at Coffee Fest. Coffee Fest is another place I would encourage you to go to get more information. You can watch the top coffee people in the country and see what they all do. They would all love for you to pick their brains.
Comment by Jason Dominy on April 11, 2008 at 9:37pm
First question's answer. The customer is the customer as far as that goes. As long as you understand exactly what they want or don't want, and know that their request is based on their level of understanding , you have a obligation to do as they ask. As long as it doesn't interfere with the quality of the drink as a whole, or compromise the integrity of the espresso. (There are places like NY's Ninth Street Espresso that will not stray from the menu in the interest of that integrity.)
Second answer. It is not necessary to rinse it out every time. Maybe every five or six times is fine. Do wipe it out with a nice dry bar towel after every use, before you put the portafilter back in the grouphead. I don't know how this relates to WBC sheets, but this is just what I do.
Comment by Ken Gordon on April 11, 2008 at 9:16pm
Sometimes I explain to customers that My milk is "stretched" not "foamed" and that they won't see any bubbles. But usually I just stretch it a little less than optimal and don't say anything. If your latte kicks ass, you won't get complaints.

As for rinsing, I do it as a Pavlovian tick, after each puck is knocked out. Small amounts of spent coffee WILL make a difference to taste and quality. The WCB Technical Score Sheet specifies;
Dry/clean filter basket before dosing and cleans porta filter (before insert)
Comment by Joe Stormer on April 11, 2008 at 4:54pm
I keep a butter knife at the bar for no-foam lattes. I steam the milk normally (I hate to listen to it screaming when I don't stretch it at all) and then put the blade of the knife against the spout so I can pour out from under the foam. I don't cringe at all; in this industry we have far too many orders like no-foam, extra-extra hot, and split-shot to care. If they order a drink with inferior flavor it's not my problem.

As for rinsing after every shot, I adamantly do not. We use spouted portafilters and, even though they are coated with fairly inert metal, the brass becomes exposed with time. I don't like to taste brass in my shots, so I keep a little oily residue on there to act as a buffer.
Comment by Ray Hencken on April 11, 2008 at 1:52pm
I've gotten that request in the past too. I just say "no problem" and then make them a killer latte. Grin and bear it. Eventually they'll realize that you don't make a big foamy crappy latte anyway, so they'll stop specifying.

And, we do rinse our portafilters after every use. I've seen plenty not rinse it, but just wipe it clean instead. I prefer rinsing it to know that portafilter is good and clean.

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