The Barista Formerly Known As JavaJ's Comments

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At 5:36pm on November 13, 2008, Joshua Longsdorf said…
I don't exactly know who's doing the training but I'll make sure she handles it with care. I offered to pour drinks for the opening haven't heard anything though. What are you doing Monday, wanna ride to BF with me?
At 12:44am on November 13, 2008, Joshua Longsdorf said…
I know that girl, she cupped with me once. Glad she got a Marzocco she was looking at something else for a whie.
At 5:29pm on November 12, 2008, Andy Newbom said…
all jokes are funny.... except the unfunny ones
At 9:30pm on November 6, 2008, Joey Trujillo said…
My dad and I might be your guys for that Marzocco... Could I have a phone number to pass on to him?
At 6:09pm on November 6, 2008, Andy Newbom said…
gad you liked the FVH! It sure is sweet
At 5:13pm on November 3, 2008, Andy Newbom said…
so how was the party of death?
At 10:44am on November 1, 2008, Joey Trujillo said…
J... crazy rain and unreliable employees... sorry I can't make it over today.
At 2:40pm on October 26, 2008, Joey Trujillo said…
Shop's doin pretty good here. Ride On! was a lot of fun, raised about $1100 for Bikes to Rwanda! I'ma shoot for next Saturday to come kick it at JavaJ... but I'll have to let you know for sure. You planning on heading over the hill anytime soon?
At 10:48pm on October 25, 2008, Joey Trujillo said…
hey j. I'm sorry to here about the shop. I'd like to make it a priority to get down there before the 1st. So I'll be seein you within the next week hopefully.
At 11:49am on October 25, 2008, Jeff Taylor said…
What up J?! I just got back in the country, in fact I'm still sitting in Houston after missing my flight by 1 freaking Min. - urghhhh! Anyway, seems I should leave the country more often, huh? I come home and we're ROTY! We're pretty proud to be in the previous winners company. Thanks for noticing and making producers of our coffee proud by do'n it and them justice! It's all about the Seed to Cup. You are the CUP part and you are holding up your end of the bargin! Thanks
At 12:35am on October 8, 2008, Ashlind said…
Hi. Great Convo starter huh?
At 7:21pm on October 2, 2008, Rotsko said…
and everyone believed me when i said it was whiskey. no jay im sorry. BX ruined that batch of sumatra.. ha ha
At 6:42pm on September 29, 2008, Rotsko said…
the introhnet full? that made my day in the best possible way... stay up JavaJ
At 10:46am on September 29, 2008, Andi C. Trindle said…
yes! I don't think I can leave San Francisco. Are you here now? I'm off on a vacation momentarily and we'll be back October 5. Maybe we can connect up after that.
At 7:43am on September 29, 2008, Joey Trujillo said…
Thanks for the feedback J. I'm through Roseville all the time, but it's always after hours... hope to stop by the shop as soon as I can though.
At 11:51pm on September 23, 2008, Tony Serrano said…
thank you for coming by, J. I'll let you know when I'll be in the city next week. I hope you're around. peace
At 8:27am on September 22, 2008, trish rothgeb said…
My mom lives in Sacramento and I keep seeing your articles in the food mags and newspapers there. Great job! Keep it up!!
At 11:36am on September 19, 2008, Andy Newbom said…
Hows the city search? Any likely sweet spots?!
At 3:17pm on September 10, 2008, Steves said…
The good people on high have, in that lovely piece of British parlance, made me redundant. Instead of callin' y'all, (some ho' named Justine gets the fun now) my dulcet tones get to be used proselytizing to the masses...aka sales and education. I've actually got some cirricula set up for sensory skills classes if you're interested in givin' em a gander...
At 8:41am on September 10, 2008, Joshua Longsdorf said…
God damn cool points always ruin my life.
FYI I started home brewing again dropped a batch of fresh hopped oktober fest. I'm probably gonna have a little get together when it drops.

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