Andi C. Trindle's Comments

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At 7:51am on October 28, 2010, Joseph gave Andi C. Trindle a gift
At 2:16pm on April 19, 2010, FinerGrind said…
Andi, thanks for all the help during the SCAA Cupping Form & Peer Calibration class - I thought it went great and I got a lot from the class. Thanks again and hope to see you again soon...

Woody (FinerGrind)
At 4:18pm on August 30, 2009, Chris Janak said…
Hi Andi,

Just finished reading Part 1 of your article for ROAST on green buying. Wanted to write and thank you for the informative article and to also ask how you became a green buyer? Do you have a lot of roasting experience? New to the bx so sorry if you get asked this question a lot.

Saludos from Mexico!

At 7:01am on December 3, 2008, Steve MacDowall said…
Greetings from Canada - Steve
At 3:29pm on October 3, 2008, Andy Newbom said…
get to work!
At 4:09pm on September 28, 2008, The Barista Formerly Known As JavaJ said…
You still living in SF, though, ja?
At 3:56pm on September 23, 2008, Sonia Martinez said…
Helle there hows my german version doing?? hey do you have facebook? I've upload a pic of you an I having a great boob converstaion hahahahaha
hope to see you soon! wonderful time, wonderful coffee, wonderfull people and wonder..... BRA! hahahaha :D
At 11:37am on September 19, 2008, Andy Newbom said…
hows the new gig?
At 9:24am on September 19, 2008, Tony Serrano said…
Andi, thank you for dropping by Simonelli when we were pulling shots of the Boss! The Adonis was a bit hot, but the coffee was still very well received. Give Andy a call and let him know what you think. Cheers.
At 9:20am on September 12, 2008, Andi C. Trindle said…
Is joining Atlantice Specialty Coffee! Hope to catch everyone there.
At 4:08pm on August 26, 2008, Aida Batlle said…
Say Hi to Tina for me! We were in the CQI Women in Coffee Leadership program together. She's great! I am sure you will learn a lot from her. I know I did. Take care and keep in touch!
At 10:12am on August 26, 2008, Aida Batlle said…
Hey! No I did not know you were leaving Volcafe Specialty. Well I do hope we can work together again, you were a lot of help this year. So, you will now be with Tina at Atlantic, right?
At 2:47pm on August 7, 2008, Luis Rodriguez said…
I think we arrive too late for the CI party, but I will call Wendy when we arrive to see if we can still join you, if not I will see you at the lodge later that day... you will have first hand information, I promise! plus you already know her... ;)
At 11:24am on July 28, 2008, Luis Rodriguez said…
Hola Andi! thanks for the compliments on my pic.. must say that i totally agree with you! I do look pretty hot! haha... ;) sadly for local girls, i'm happily taken .... anyhow, the symposium went great! see you at the retreat... can't wait!

At 10:56am on July 20, 2008, Andy Newbom said…
heard you might be thinking of the big leap into the crazy side of this biz. you know you're tight in my book. whatever you need you got it.
At 11:21pm on May 18, 2008, Maria Jose Huezo said…
Hey Andi!! i just wanted to say hi... and thanks for all your support to salvadoran coffees and coffee growers... i loved seeing u while in Minnie.. ! Big Hug! Come back to ES ASAP!... we are allways thinking of you.... all the best!
At 5:06pm on April 30, 2008, Natalie Thomas said…
thanks for the advice, i've been looking all over, hopefully something will pop up at the perfect moment
At 2:42am on April 29, 2008, The Barista Formerly Known As JavaJ said…
Andi, didn't get to talk to you at WRBC. Looking forward to talking to you at conference.
At 7:32am on April 7, 2008, Tony Serrano said…
Good to meet you at the WRBC. Keepin' it positive in the front row. Hope my 'applause' sign didn't distract you from judging.
At 10:45pm on April 1, 2008, Chris Y. Gaoiran said…
I really admire your vision for Triple Shot Productions. I can't make it out to opening weekend, but break a leg!

Ps. It was great meeting you last week.
Pps. I stage manage. =)

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