Eyal Rosen's Blog (12)

The Best of Guatemalan Coffees

From Gabriela Cordon's blog on ROASTe.com:

"Landing in Guatemala City is a pleasure to the sight. Clear blue sky, sunlight softly caressing the magnificent volcanoes, gently reminding us they are still alive. Agua volcano nourishes coffee plantations soils with sand, once in a while, and Fuego and Pacaya send some lava smoke to recall all their energy. This type of soil, microclimate, altitude, varieties and the right process combine to produce Guatemala's finest… Continue

Added by Eyal Rosen on December 1, 2009 at 2:14pm — No Comments

ROASTe welcomes Kickapoo Coffee. Roast Magazine Roaster of the Year!

We are thrilled to feature on ROASTe Kickapoo Coffee. Roast Magazine 2010 Roaster of the Year!
Check them out here: http://bit.ly/6ZlC3F

Eyal /ROASTe.com

Added by Eyal Rosen on November 24, 2009 at 7:15am — No Comments

One More Complication on the Way To Judging Coffee

"As if it wasn't complicated enough.

Sometimes I think that coffee is more complicated than wine. Forget about the up-front factors, like location, weather, ripeness of the fruit, processing, aging, etc. They " ...read more here

Added by Eyal Rosen on November 12, 2009 at 8:38am — No Comments

Raul Rodas wins three consecutive times the Guatemala Barista Champion Competition

Guatemala City, November 8th. 2009. The National Growers Association's, ANACAFE, officials announced yesterday that Raul Rodas was the three time winner of the Guatemala Barista Competition. Noe Castro, representing Café San Lucas and Barista Champion in 2006, and Pablo Bobadilla from &Café allocated in 2nd. and 3rd. places....Read more

Added by Eyal Rosen on November 9, 2009 at 10:58am — 1 Comment

Java - Indonesia's Mystical Coffee Island

More from Alun Evans blog --" For most people the geography lesson is not necessary. Java is a name that has been closely associated with coffee ever since the Dutch East Indies Company began growing the trees on the island in the early years of the 17th Century. " Read the rest of the article about Java coffee

Added by Eyal Rosen on November 2, 2009 at 6:27am — No Comments

Indonesian Coffee...

From Alun Evans blog -- "I have been living here in Indonesia working with farmers throughout Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Flores, Bali and Indonesian Papua for 10 years. The coffee from the Islands of Indonesia is truly exceptional and sadly only very recently has word of this coffee spread out to specialty coffee roasers the world over. " Read the rest of the article about Indonesian coffee

Added by Eyal Rosen on November 1, 2009 at 2:30am — No Comments

Ascending journey to quality Guatemala coffee: on the slopes of the mountains

"Quality in the cup is not just by coincidence. Those of you that have been delighted by a cup of coffee might know that a proper preparation for a good cup of coffee is not easy. Same goes for is processing coffee. All of Guatemala coffee, from lower to higher altitudes, is handpicked, washed in mills and sun dried or a combination of sun and dryers. " ...Click here to read more of Gabriela Cordón's… Continue

Added by Eyal Rosen on October 29, 2009 at 7:00am — No Comments

Another way to enjoy coffee

"I was born and spent my pre-teen years on the island of Trinidad, in the Caribbean, and I have fond memories of coffee. Not the beans, the fruit.

For some reason, we never had real coffee in the house. My mom drank something called POSTUM, which was a kind of fake substitute made from ground-up car tires, or something like that."...Read More

Enjoy :-)
Eyal /ROASTe.com

Added by Eyal Rosen on October 23, 2009 at 7:29am — No Comments

Coffee taste primer

"Coffee is as complex and interesting as wine. It's also 1/10th the cost. And if you're like me, you drink 5-10x more coffee during a typical week than wine...." Read more

Eyal /ROASTe.com

Added by Eyal Rosen on October 20, 2009 at 3:36pm — No Comments

How to discover great new coffee micro-roasters?

You can enjoy the largest collection anywhere of coffee micro-roasters on ROASTe.com. And a lot of the micro-roasters are unique finds. They're well worth trying. They're worlds apart from the bitter swill served at places like Starbucks and McDonalds. Here's a brief sample...Read More

Eyal /ROASTe

Added by Eyal Rosen on October 9, 2009 at 8:16am — No Comments

Hawaiian coffee and Puerto Rico coffee: siblings!

Recently, Shawn Steiman traveled to Puerto Rico by invitation of their Dept. of Agriculture. He spent a week exploring their Puerto Rico coffee industry. He met farmers, processors, roasters, cafes and government personnel well versed in coffee. They asked him to help them begin a specialty coffee segment of their industry...Read More

Added by Eyal Rosen on October 8, 2009 at 4:00am — No Comments

Introduction to Guatemala coffee - From the place of many trees

A new article from Gabriela Cordon, a coffee expert from Guatemala:

"... That is Quauhtlemallan, a "nahuatl" word the Toltecas used to use to name Guatemala. It is not just a nice name. One visit is enough for you to see the luxurious vegetation that covers the highest picks of Central America and 33 majestic volcanoes. In such a mystic small place, almost the same size as the state of Tennessee, not only the Mayans built one of the most outstanding civilizations of the Americas, but… Continue

Added by Eyal Rosen on August 31, 2009 at 11:44pm — No Comments

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