Jason Haeger
  • Male
  • Dallas, TX
  • United States
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  • Branden J. Bresson
  • Garrett Eggleston
  • Graham Sample
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Jason Haeger's Discussions

bX Chat!

Started Mar 25, 2009 0 Replies

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Jason Haeger's Little Piece of bX

Profile Information

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista trainer, coffee roaster, home barista, coffee enthusiast, industry professional, consultant, entrepreneur
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Dallas, TX
How many years have you been in the industry?
~7.. feels like more, and feels like less.
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
I'm not necessarily interested in an exchange any time soon, but I am interested in keeping pulse on the industry.

One day, that may change.

It's hard to "exchange" with someone when you are a sole proprietor.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
I'm pretty open to suggestions, usually.
About Me:
I am a staff member of Barista Exchange, and as such, I would like to remind everyone to read the Acceptable Use Policy & Content Moderation document
Acceptable Use Policy & Content Moderation (Click)

I have worked as a barista trying to improve quality for awhile. When I noticed this just wasn't doing the job, I ventured out on my own to do independent training and consulting to help improve the quality in the area. It's slow-going, but catching on.

I also run a Texas Coffee industry community at http://tx-coffee.com . If you live in/visit Texas, and you work in coffee, you need to visit this site.

"I'm just in it for the coffee"
About My Company:
Improving Coffee...
One Cup at a Time

AJ Coffee Company is a wholesale and web retail specialty coffee roasting business in Dallas, TX. Fresh, Fair, Delicious is our mantra. Tasting is believing.


AJ Coffee Company
Artisan Coffee Roasters

I also own:
Texas Coffee People (TX-Coffee.com)
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
The coffee, the culture, the community, the love.

My projects

AJ Coffee Company
Artisan Coffee Roasters

Coffee Consulting - Barista Training

Specialty Coffee in the Lone Star State

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Jason Haeger's Blog

Barismo's Jaime Van Schyndel Spotting

Posted on February 17, 2009 at 1:07am 0 Comments

Just searching for "coffee" on viddler.com resulted in finding this hidden… Continue

A Focused Approach for Tough Economic Times(syndicated)

Posted on January 28, 2009 at 3:02pm 0 Comments

(via)A Focused Approach for Tough Economic Times

One consultant/trainer's perspective on ways to keep your specialty coffee retailer afloat. (by me)


As the recession continues to loom overhead, and even progress further down, it has probably become obvious to many that… Continue

Barista Looking for 2 months of work in Chicago this summer

Posted on May 23, 2008 at 7:34pm 0 Comments

A good friend of mine is looking for work.

He's a good barista. He pays attention to detail, exhibits excellent customer service, can pour latte art, has a drive to learn more and a drive for excellence.

He's only going to be there for about two months, and he's looking for barista work while he's there.

His name is Andrew McCaslin, and he currently works for Day Break Coffee Roasters here in Lubbock.

Does anyone have any leads? Anyone willing to help… Continue

DFW (Dallas/Ft. Worth) Jam Time.. the Planning Stages

Posted on May 21, 2008 at 10:00am 4 Comments

There has been some talk of planning a DFW Jam on the tx-coffee.com forums. It seems there is enough interest to actually get something going.

Dallas is WAY past due, and if you'll be in the area sometime around early July, you might want to join in on the discussions.

If you won't be, but are interested in giving suggestions, opinions, or just want to see what's going on, you can get in on it too.…


No Man Can Serve Two (or Three) Masters

Posted on April 28, 2008 at 9:30am 23 Comments

Time and time again, when I talk to people about coffee business strategy it seems the top priority is speed. "I want the customer to be able to be in and out in 90 seconds or less," and the like seem to have somehow become the goal to strive for in regards to customer service.

Fine. Good. Quick service is hard to look down on, but is that all there is to it? Of course not!

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that speed isn't a noble practice. I'm saying that it… Continue

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At 7:12pm on February 6, 2013, sherylsons said…

Hi Jason, My main profession is hair. I have been a owner for 9 years..have done hair 26 years. I needed to add more revenue as with all bussinesses expenses have gone up..so i bought some jura commercail machines, played with coffee, and sold alot to my customers. Now I have just signed a 10 year lease on a new location so that i can really be a coffee shop with a kitchen and section off the salon. My salon is very modern retro with the red, white and black colors,so my coffee shop will be in the same theme. I have read hours of discussions here and they have been a great help. I am blessed that i already have a big clientel and they already enjoy the coffee i serve, but I am sure I will be asking alot of questions as I try to get this going..I am very excited on this move in the coffee world..Sheryl Sons

At 12:04pm on July 19, 2011, Graham Sample said…
Why thank you sir. I'm excited to be part of such an active, blossoming and passionate community.
At 9:57am on March 11, 2011, Peter Myer said…


I was actually quite lucky and landed a job at Houndstooth coffee in Austin in my first couple weeks. I am in training there now and am amazed by just how much I still have to learn. 


Thank you kindly for checking back with me. That kind of follow up and support is exactly why I became a part of Barista Exchange.

Peter Myer 

At 9:30am on February 6, 2011, Claudia Cabezas said…
Hello Jason. Thanks for your interest. We can get you green Costa Rican coffee from Costa Rica. However, have you seen the prices? The difference is minimal as opposed to roasted coffee. If you are still interested, let me know, send me an email to claudia@cafedonvittorio.us and we can discuss your interests!
At 1:43pm on August 10, 2010, Pete Forde said…
Thanks for the welcome, Jason! Excited to be here.
At 4:03pm on February 10, 2010, Alicia (Mini) said…
thank you i was thinking it was about time :]
At 1:31pm on January 21, 2010, Chris said…
Hey, Jason! Yeah, I find this format a bit more tedious. There are a ton of Facebook/Myspace-type features that really have nothing to do with the conversation, and that tends to lead to FB adn MS kind of interactions. I still have a bit of an issue not being able to PM someone without committing to a friend relationship. And someone I never heard of or from wants me to be their friend? Uhm, do I *KNOW* you?

Maybe I'm just old fashioned, maybe just getting old, I dunno... But, hey, thanks for the backup on the mypressi thread. You should get one. It;'s cheap, it's easy, and at really will make you look long and hard at the ten or fifteen grand worth of sheetmetal and milled brass sitting at your shop. I swear, have your two favorite baristi play with it for an hour, and then have one pull you shots with it while the other uses his favorite commercial machine. It'll blow you away.
At 9:24am on January 21, 2010, Mark J. Stone, PhD, CPC said…
I'm in the process of negotiations at the moment. Thanks for asking
At 9:19pm on January 20, 2010, Jennifer Vourlos said…
At 3:00pm on January 19, 2010, Miranda Cole said…
Thank you! I am excited to be here!

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