Hello Barista Exchange!

It's time to start planning for next years tradeshows, and I wanted to let everyone know that we have Coffee Fest Chicago Free Registration Coupons for anyone interested in attending.

I am attaching the .pdf file to this post, you can download and either send it in or register online. Looking forward to seeing you there, and I'll also start planning a bX "Meet the Baristas" party. :)

Click here to register on their website


- Matt

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Many Thanks! I'm registering today and definitely looking forward to the party!
Anyone else going? Im planning on it. Just gotta figure out if my friend will go with me since he's got somewhere to stay in Chi-town so I dont have to worry about a hotel. Its only about an 8 hour drive for me & since gas has dropped its not to bad. Look forward to it. Havent dont a coffee fest since Seattle 02 or so.
Any chance you'll have free registration coupons for the Meadowlands Coffee Fest this year?
I am also planning on attending the Meadowlands Coffee Fest in March. A free registration coupon would be greatly appreciated.

Ron, the Country Guy
I am pretty sure that we have Coffee Fest Free admissions available for the Meadowlands show. send me an email at baristaexchange at gmail dot com and I will try to send one out soon.

I am looking forward to the show! (Trying to plan a bX party somewhere, fingers crossed.)

- Matt
oops... posting error - disregard

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