The Barista Formerly Known As JavaJ's Comments

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At 5:31pm on March 18, 2008, Dominic said…
I hope to post some pics soon but I have been pretty busy. I am getting married so that takes a lot of planning. The pic that is "me" is of a coffee ceremony at Giday farm in Limmu.
At 10:14pm on March 16, 2008, Michelle Campbell said…
I will be calling all WRBC competitors this week to schedule competition times. P.S. I receive so many emails on a daily basis I am not always able to respond in a timely manner. In the future please call me if you need an immediate answer to a question. -Thank you.
At 6:51pm on March 11, 2008, Clint Slagle said…
I gots me a purty looking shirt for comps! Its all fitted and teh seci.
At 12:14am on March 6, 2008, Jake Elia said…
Not to brag or anything, but just pulled SO's of Biloya and Esmeralda. MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmMMmmmmMmm.
Stumpity Stump Stumptown.
At 10:28am on March 5, 2008, Tabasco said…
still at Zoka and planning to head down to train at Awaken in mid March. Hows Sacramento
At 4:21am on February 21, 2008, Owen O'Neill said…
Hey jay -

You're welcome re the order. Roastery buildout is rolling along. Got the last linoleum tiles stripped off the hardwoods last weekend and hoping to do the sanding and initial coat of poly this weekend. Project will get interrupted by a CA trip week after next but I'll be way far south and not near Sacramento.
At 1:44pm on January 17, 2008, Clint Slagle said…
Wewt! I R 31337 barista. Dont miss me too much.
At 11:44am on January 14, 2008, Steve Lanphier said…
Hi Jay,

Where in Sac-Town are you? It has turned into my 2nd home and I'd love to pay you a visit next time I'm there.
I love Naked lounge and Old Soul and I work with Chicory, Butch N Nellies, Cafe LaBoca, Sartory Coffee,
Are you familier with them?
At 5:32am on January 11, 2008, Jeff Taylor said…
Hey Jay, hows the coffee flow'n?
At 6:36pm on January 10, 2008, Jason Haeger said…
Hey Jay,

Thanks for the add. It's good to see you here.

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