Alex Negranza's Comments

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At 11:36pm on February 18, 2009, Jason Haeger said…
Alex, how are things? Ditto JavaJ.
At 1:34am on February 17, 2009, The Barista Formerly Known As JavaJ said…
Are you competing at USBC?
At 3:19pm on February 5, 2009, Tyler Phillipi said…
Great talking with you yesterday. Your work speaks for itself, so good luck at the competition!
At 10:51pm on January 27, 2009, Nicely said…
Wussup Fam! I'm doing great. The shop I will be helping open in Venice Beach should be finished by March. I'm excited to see that you'll be pouring at Millrock. I'll be looking to improve my last placing. What I've seen in these photos you have looks deady kid! Where are you working now?
At 10:09am on December 31, 2008, The Barista Formerly Known As JavaJ said…
Alex, great hanging out with you. Good luck at competition! I won't be making it to Tacoma, so I'll catch you later. Thanks for the all the great coffee and the chocolate too. Cheers.
At 3:40am on December 31, 2008, brady john macdonald said…
dude i want to go for sure! aren't you competing?
At 10:22pm on December 29, 2008, elvin said…

Twas good to hang out with you today... see you next week in Tacoma.

At 6:21pm on December 25, 2008, The Barista Formerly Known As JavaJ said…
Hey Alex, I'm coming up to Seatle this weekend and stopping in to Trabant for sure! You around?
At 1:38pm on December 8, 2008, Ed Kaufmann said…
Hey sorry for such a delayed response. Do you guys still want to drink some coffee in Seattle? I am in town and fully caffeinated! I am taking off Wednesday. I am meeting up with some other peeps but mass espresso consumption in a large group is fun! Hit me back if you want to possify.
At 9:34am on November 28, 2008, Barrett Jones said…
well if helping counts, then there's a couple more to mention... ;)
At 2:55am on November 28, 2008, Steve MacDowall said…
thanks for adding me to your friends list - have a great weekend - Steve
At 12:21am on November 28, 2008, Michelle Campbell said…
Hi Alex - Thank you so much for your kind note. I really means a lot to me. BIG HUG! -Michelle
At 4:43pm on November 27, 2008, Steve MacDowall said…
love your art - greetings from Canada - Steve
At 10:33am on November 27, 2008, pan said…
hello alex ,
very cool site, i ve been in the business for over 10 years now and would like to open up my own coffee shop again. im in london, do you know anyone that is looking to sell? i realise this is a somewhat random request but 'you never know'.

kind regards pan
At 9:22pm on November 19, 2008, Jason Haeger said…
Our regional is over! I was in your situation not long ago.

I've been seriously busy until very recently, and I guess the contrast has me feeling like it's slow, even though it's really not slow at all.

Kick some ass in the NWRBC!
At 9:16pm on November 19, 2008, Jason Haeger said…
Hey Alex! Slow times in the Lone Star State, but there is a giant who may hear the proverbial alarm in the coming year.

How are things up in the north country?
At 11:03am on November 19, 2008, Klif said…
How you holding up? Things have been so busy on this side. When are we going to get together?
At 10:13pm on November 12, 2008, Matthew said…
Miss my little muffin...
At 1:16pm on November 1, 2008, Nicely said…
Wussup! Thanks yo! I usually only work during the mornings. Friday and Saturday @ Alley 24. Sunday mornings at the little red stand on Broadway. (6am-noon) Monday @ Alley 24 noon to 6pm. Tuesday @ the new location Brix from noon to 6pm. Mondays would probably be best! I'll look for those photos to e-mail ya! Thanks again and hope to see you soon!
At 1:35pm on September 29, 2008, tish said…
wish i could of made it to the cupping... i work Sundays at aster.
Thanks for the invite!

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