Chris DeMarse's Comments

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At 10:14am on November 7, 2008, Trevor said…
Hey, was just calling you back. Sent you updated floor plan. You can look it over but I didn't label anything on the bar. I'll work on that so it will make more sense. The overview is 3 espresso grinders, blender, hot water boiler, and bulk grinder(not pictured) on back counter. POS and pastry area on bar closest to front entrance. One hand wash sink and one rinse sink. Thats the jist of it. Do you know what the cost of that cirqua system is?
At 7:39am on November 6, 2008, Trevor said…
Hey, thanks for the water info. I'm looking into this. I'll keep you posted. We're getting close. We'll need to plan a delivery date soon. I can't wait to hold that GB/5 3g EE in my arms. Ok, it might be little heavy but we'll roll with it. cheers.
At 4:40am on November 3, 2008, Jesse_Aram said…
But when I get to bus your crockery ...I get to ILLEGALLY sip your drink on the way back to your table. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Its not nice, its a SINISTER PLAN of self-sustainability.
At 11:05am on November 2, 2008, Jesse_Aram said…
When I am aroiund you guys I always want to spend more time learning and sharing. I thoroughly enjoyed another brief rendezvous with the Muncie crew. Maybe I can even bus your dishes at the next barista competition? Your sig drink idea sounds awesome! May you continue to receive the utmost divine inspiriatoin. Much love, Jesse
At 4:48pm on October 31, 2008, Rachel Peterson said…
I will definitely keep this in mind and thanks so much for the offer.
At 2:30pm on October 31, 2008, Rachel Peterson said…
Hi Chris,
I'm sorry you didn't make it to the farm, but Daniel's baby was born right around that date anyway, and I called the farm to find out if you'd made it and was told it was raining cats and dogs. Next time...
Regarding coffee in Panama, remember we're way behind (most origins are) in terms of education and preparation of specialty coffee. For starters, most coffee shops use seconds since the bulk of specialty coffee is exported...roasting, brewing, you name it...everything needs to be relearned. SCAP is working on it though, and hopefully next time you come visit the coffee in coffee shops will be better.
At 4:08pm on October 27, 2008, scottlucey said…
I got mine from Avenue 18, which is in Canada.

I just noticed though, that Barismo is selling Hario products. They are offering the 2 cup hario if that's your fancy.

get one!
At 6:06pm on October 18, 2008, Shar Griffith said…
Hi Chris, I just entered the realm of bx. it was nice meeting you in MN. will you be going to portland next year?
At 7:28am on October 7, 2008, Rachel Peterson said…
Sorry for the delay responding, I was on a trip and got sidetracked. Please call Daniel, he's expecting you sometime on the 10th. His cel phone # is 011-507-6675-0585. Otherwise call the farm # which is 720-3202 and ask for my dad (Price). Hope you have a great trip! Graciano can take you to see several farms as well since he'll be in the area.
At 7:31am on October 2, 2008, graciano said…
I'm just arriving to Panama, which days will you guys be in Panama City, I'll be there since Oct. 8th, so let me know where you'll stay ( hotel and fly references), so we could meet first at Panama City, it's a lot to see besides the Panama Canal visitor center which is really interesting if you never had seen this before.
Please let me know what you decide.
Very best,

At 7:25am on October 2, 2008, graciano said…
For sure you and anybody else with are welcome to Boquete, as Rachel told you is the rainy season but you still can see a lot at this time, some farms at the lower elevation already began the harvesting so you could see some activities already. My cel. phone is (507) 66787724, please give me a call anytime, if you need help with hotel reservations or any else to arrange down here let me know, it'll be no problem to back you guys up around here.
Also is no problem visiting my farm or others in the area. So welcome to Panama and keep in touch.
Very best,
At 10:42am on September 26, 2008, Nick Griffith said…
No definitive answers yet.
And I haven't been able to make it up our local hills to try for myself either. Someday.
At 10:32am on September 26, 2008, Dave White said…
No problem... Go to the hardware store and score some Bowling Alley wax. That should work great. In any case let me know how it turns out for you.
At 7:54am on September 22, 2008, scottlucey said…
Chris... I'll be off on Friday, but working in Prospect on Saturday morning until 3. Hopefully you can stop by then.
At 11:43am on September 19, 2008, Drew Billups said…
Hey, no problem. Hopefully the CoE will work well for you and we can buy together this coming year.


At 10:27am on September 15, 2008, Lori Billups said…
yeah seattle's a good place! actually It's me and my brother that are out here...I'm not married. It sounds like things are going pretty good back at MAC and AWC. I met Chris yesterday at the trade show. I'm excited to hear about the changes out there. I'll have to come out and visit sometime!
At 7:09pm on September 14, 2008, Lori Billups said…
hey...I don't know you but I used to roast for AWC and I'm sitting with Becca and she told me that you're cool and I should be your friend.
At 8:10am on September 13, 2008, Rachel Peterson said…
I just read your blog, so I understand that you're staying in Panama City. Too bad we didn't know your dates before, we're doing a barista jam I believe at the end of Oct. a we're always looking for baristas to help out! That's off topic though. Your going to be in Panama city, which is about 6 hours driving from the coffee regions. Coffee is in the western mountains of Panama, close to the Costa Rican border. You would need to take an airplane to David (about $200 round trip/person, a 1 hour flight) and then rent a car from David and drive out to Boquete, which is about another hour. It's possible to do the roundtrip in one day, but the afternoon flight back will sometimes be cancelled if the thunderstorms are too bad.
If I was there, I could give you a tour of the farm, but I'm not going to be in Panama during that week. The other person who could take you for a tour is my brother, but his firstborn is due that same week, so you can't count on him either.
You don't know rain unless you've been in Panama in October, so I don't know how useful it would be for you to go through all that process to visit our farm for one day, when it might be raining so hard that you have to cancel the tour anyway. However, if you do decide to go anyway, let me know and I'll talk to my brother and/or father and see if one of them can meet you and show you around. For future reference, the time to visit coffee farms in Panama is January thru April. January's a great month because there's no rain, everything' still green and beautiful and you can see the harvest and the processing of the coffee, which is really interesting. The whole reason that you're going to Panama is that you have hotel voucher's, right? Otherwise I would suggest that you definitely go to Boquete and spend the entire week there instead. It's much nicer than Panama City, even in the rain. Let me know what you decide so I can help set things up. What hotel are you staying at?
At 10:47am on September 1, 2008, tom said…
Still not 100% sure, but it looks like he's staying here.

We need to look at our schedules to see what weekend day in the far off future we can road-trip to West Lafayette for Greyhouse and then up to Chicago for a Intelli/Coffee Studio/any other random coffee house visit extravaganza.
At 8:44pm on August 10, 2008, Jay Caragay said…
The basic difference between Mexican Coke and the Coke in the United States is their use of cane sugar as a sweetener instead of high-fructose corn syrup. The sugar is the taste of old. Cleaner and brighter on the palate, without the heavy residue of HFCS.

Coca-Cola Atlanta insists that there is no difference, but let your palate decide. Without a doubt there will be a Latino market in your area, go down and buy a couple bottles and do a taste test. I think the difference is remarkable and prefer cane sugar not only for the taste but also because it's better for the body than corn syrup.

Bear in mind that the actual sweetener used in Coke is determined by the bottler. Mexican Coke is sugar based, but Cokes from other Latin American countries may be using HFCS. Be sure to read the label.

Alternatively, if there's a sizable Jewish population in your area, they'll usually make a stricter Kosher Coke for major Jewish holidays, like Passover. You can tell the difference between US made HFCS Coke and Sugar Coke by the yellow bottle caps on the 2 liter bottles.

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