Ben Gleeson's Comments

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At 1:49pm on February 1, 2008, Fede Cabrera said…
Hi Ben,

Greetings from Argentine ... would you give me some surfing lessons if I make it to Australia?

At 7:15pm on January 31, 2008, Alvaro Sanchez said…
HEY! I'm alive, just been busy and couldn't log in for some reason. I'm in Bandung and I get to play with a brand new IR Diedrich roaster using awesome Indo coffees.... SO COOL!!!

Hope you are well I'm on skype look up my internet addy.

Hope you are well mate talk soon :)
At 3:49pm on January 31, 2008, Kara MacDonald said…
You work weekends too? Meeting with the editor egh? Not too shabby Ben. Always good to 'Be published'. Was just making new pastry tags myself. Ahh the good life. My day off tomorrow will be filled with lots of press and alot of laminating. So much fun. I have to work sunday, but will have plenty of time for the super bowl. Can't wait for american football to be done, bring on rugby season. Yes, the wallabys are soft and cuddly, but bring on the all blacks. We have to band together to beat the springboks this year. Can't say what I want to say. You dig the rugby?
At 3:03pm on January 31, 2008, Kara MacDonald said…
Just sittin around waiting for peeps to make some yummy coffee. New store, still a little slow. Waz up with you?
At 6:48pm on January 30, 2008, Aleks Shineleva said…
please do:) that would be great
At 8:16am on January 30, 2008, Aleks Shineleva said…
lets "do"!:) australia, ai? that's pretty awesome
At 8:11am on January 21, 2008, Alvaro Sanchez said…
In Singapore and the trip begins, he he.

Thanks for the countdown. I'll keep you posted with what's going on

Cheers mate
At 2:08pm on January 17, 2008, C.J. said…
it was a couple years ago, great place, but the fun had to is it over there?
At 1:35pm on January 15, 2008, Cara Ramm said…
i sure would! thatd be just dandy. :)
At 12:59pm on January 15, 2008, C.J. said…
heck yes! i actually used to live on the gold coast....
At 10:23pm on January 13, 2008, Jami said…
Ben, Loved the pictures! =)
At 5:45pm on January 10, 2008, Zane Braun said…
Ben! lovely to see you if but virtually. how's it goin up on the coast? must have the training market cornered.
love to drop in on you on the way through sometime... is that your elektra?
At 8:27pm on January 9, 2008, Jackie Carpenter said…
hey thanks! ya all our mine except one, one is my friend Shiloh :) i love doing them haha makes it exciting!
At 5:41pm on January 9, 2008, Martin McGregor said…
hey Benno

I'm with a client in sydney today! Everything that should happen this week all happened today! But, I'm going to the movies tonight, so eventually I'll just walk away!

What are you up to?
At 4:27pm on January 9, 2008, Heather said…
Hi Ben- Well the coffee scene is more interesting in Nor Cal then So Cal, but in general Oregon and Washington have a MUCH better ultra hip scene. CA is full of chains, and decent mom and pops. There are a few of us keepin' it real here though. :) Tell me about the australian coffee scene. I have often thought about heading that way.
At 10:09am on January 9, 2008, Nicole Michaud said…
Hi Ben!
Nice to net meet you. It sounds like you have a wonderful program going in Aussie, I like your line: "keeping the knowledge and info supplied adgenda free".
Will you be making your way to Minnesota for the SCAA show?
At 9:58pm on January 8, 2008, Jackie Carpenter said…
hey no prob. im learning on this thing haha
At 7:22pm on January 8, 2008, Shiloh Nelson said…
Fellow trainer!
At 2:20pm on January 8, 2008, Matt Milletto said…
HI Ben,

Sounds cool. Let's keep in touch, and let me know if you have any plans to come to Portland.
At 11:32am on January 8, 2008, Jami said…
Ben you are the first to ask... I would have to say that my first passion is and always will be coffee... but pictures are by far the love of my life... =)

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