Justin Holinka's Comments

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At 4:24pm on October 3, 2010, Kevin Ayers said…
Hey Justin, Sorry I missed you while you were in town today. That's pretty much the gist of it, except that it's a new roastery in Paris. Going to be using a Strada which will be awesome!
At 9:54am on March 20, 2010, Eric Faust said…
How is life at Bull Run. Been there a few times, but seem to never catch you. Keep on rockin the Minneapolis scene.
At 4:42pm on November 29, 2009, Daniel Williamson said…
ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! and i'm gonna get the other too.... :)
At 12:35am on November 18, 2009, Daniel Williamson said…
Hey, is your Beloya roast all hammered out? How does it compare to the others we have had? What's the deal with me getting some? website where I can order it? Anything?
At 3:44am on October 26, 2009, Eric Faust said…
Thanks man, glad you liked the piece. I will be down sometime in November, not sure when. Have fun at the new shop and keep me posted as things progress. Keep on rockin the twin cities scene.
At 3:56pm on October 9, 2009, Daniel Williamson said…
nice. Well, enjoy your time and have a beer for me. Tell tyler hello.
At 2:25pm on October 9, 2009, Daniel Williamson said…
Haha. Yes I do know all to well that you're not the biggest fan of dairy :) Some day you will see the light... until that time, was it one of those home frothers and is battery operated and looks like a tiny circular wisk? did it heat the whip or was it cold as whipped cream usually is? Which shop was it?
At 3:07pm on October 4, 2009, Daniel Williamson said…
How did the cupping go? Is there a definite start-up date for the new shop?
At 2:43pm on September 30, 2009, Daniel Williamson said…
well, I wouldn't expect anything else. Have fun with all that Beloya!!!!!!!!! You are such a...
At 1:37pm on September 24, 2009, Eric Faust said…
Thanks man, keep on rocking.
At 7:50pm on March 9, 2009, Eric Faust said…
Where the hell did you go? I walked into Amore to check out the custom naked portafilter and they tell me you're gone! I should know this, damn...
At 5:43pm on February 17, 2009, Paul said…
Hey Justin! Hope you're having a great time in Chicago. Missing your presence around Amore...
At 2:57pm on February 17, 2009, Eric Faust said…
My girlfriend still drinks decaf...damn...the power of love

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