workin' on my latte art! i'm getting there!

just another picture of bad latte art, soon to be good latte art (hopefully).

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Comment by Jesse -D-> on March 14, 2009 at 6:07am
much of what is important for latte art happens before you pour, work on getting consistant milk, and make sure you have enough. As i'm sure you have noticed the milk at the very bottom of your pitcher comes out in blobs. Thus ruining your art. Oh, and lift the pitcher away from the cup when you finish with the line through, that will prevent having the stem or fat line down the middle. Good luck, you are off to a great start.
Comment by Brandon on March 14, 2009 at 5:55am
I'm in no way saying i'm a latte art pro or even qualified to make a comment on this crazy topic, HOWEVER that being said, you might try pouring more quickly. A lot of beginners are timid and pour slowly and the larger portion of foam has a tendency to stay at the back only to come out all at once at the end. Maybe worth a shot. I'm still learning too. Keep it up though!
Comment by Ryan Scollard on March 14, 2009 at 3:13am
Kate, looks like you're starting to understand the flow of the milk for a rosetta. Good job keep it up.

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