Jason Haeger


Dallas, TX

United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista trainer, coffee roaster, home barista, coffee enthusiast, industry professional, consultant, entrepreneur
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Dallas, TX
How many years have you been in the industry?
~7.. feels like more, and feels like less.
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
I'm not necessarily interested in an exchange any time soon, but I am interested in keeping pulse on the industry.

One day, that may change.

It's hard to "exchange" with someone when you are a sole proprietor.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
I'm pretty open to suggestions, usually.
About Me:
I am a staff member of Barista Exchange, and as such, I would like to remind everyone to read the Acceptable Use Policy & Content Moderation document
Acceptable Use Policy & Content Moderation (Click)

I have worked as a barista trying to improve quality for awhile. When I noticed this just wasn't doing the job, I ventured out on my own to do independent training and consulting to help improve the quality in the area. It's slow-going, but catching on.

I also run a Texas Coffee industry community at http://tx-coffee.com . If you live in/visit Texas, and you work in coffee, you need to visit this site.

"I'm just in it for the coffee"
About My Company:
Improving Coffee...
One Cup at a Time

AJ Coffee Company is a wholesale and web retail specialty coffee roasting business in Dallas, TX. Fresh, Fair, Delicious is our mantra. Tasting is believing.


AJ Coffee Company
Artisan Coffee Roasters

I also own:
Texas Coffee People (TX-Coffee.com)
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
The coffee, the culture, the community, the love.

Comment Wall:

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  • Max Gonzalez

    It's a Latte ART Throwdown, you want to drink three latte's from each barista go for it, I'll make sure to pull you a great shot for each one. But yes really, we are judging ART- hints the name.
  • Max Gonzalez

    Jason, my sincerest apologies. We have been one of the few shops that have been open in Houston since the hurricane and we have been a little stressed out. I am embarrassed with my immature response; I really make it a point not to act that stupid most of the time.

    I agree with you completely about not sacrificing the quality of the beverage to accomplish better art. It is something that we stand by at Catalina, the focus is on preparing a great beverage and maximizing the potential of both the espresso and the milk. As far as contrast as part of the competition, it is not based on intentionally pulling a bad shot for better contrast, instead controlling your pour as to not disturb the crema and have a crisper design at the completion of your pour.

    Again, my apologies and I hope that there are no hard feelings. I appreciate the things that you do for the industry.

  • Russ Warren

    Jason, I have a friend living out in Austin, TX. He likes good coffee and I know you are the one to turn to for a shop/roastery recommendation. Can you set a brother up?
  • Andy Newbom

    howdy pardener!
  • Al Soto

    Hey Jason. Tracked you down. ;)
  • JohnP

    Thanks man!
  • Ashlind

    So you ready for the amazing fun and coffee love that will be Halloween '08? By the way I'm with sbux again at 121, we got our close date Oct.22. I'm workin a shit load between there a waitin tables. I however don't think I will be with them after our close date... it will be great to see you in Austin! I'm bringin it!
  • Ashlind

    Oh and I will be bringing a party, even if it just is myself and a bottle of goose.
  • Mike

    To take a differing opinion;personal or as an attack should not mean we should loss your insites in any discussion.
  • JIm Saborio

    Thanks, a fashionably late arrival on my part
  • Sean Marshall

    Yeah, you're definitely right. It'll be good to meet you, too! I have to say it'll really cool to hang out with barista-folk again.
  • Brady

    Hi Jason. I thought of you today when we finally added a Trad Capp to our menu. Double in a 6oz cup. For here only, no modifications. Just thought I'd share that. Thanks for the push. b
  • Lorenzo Perkins

    It was nice to meet you at the SCRBC. Sorry we didn't get a chance to connect or chat for too long, but hopefully soon. Texas is big, but we can overcome that slightly irrelevant geographic hurdle.
  • Steve MacDowall

    greetings from Canada - Steve
  • Bob Arceneaux

    Thanks Jason. It's actually a pre-roast blend with a lite-French roast with another single origin medium roast coffee added - post roast. We get a lot of compliments on it.
    I'd like to learn more about what you do there.
    Thanks, and best wishes.
  • Alex Negranza

    Haeger! What's up? I haven't talked to you in awhile. How goes Texas?
  • Alex Negranza

    It's getting crazy up here. NWRBC is slowly gaining momentum. I have been training new employees at Trabant, and ontop of that, having to train for regionals is making my free time short and sweet. But it's going good.
  • Alex Negranza

    Yeah, I'm ridiculously jazzed about it. I was approved for the Barista Exchange Moderator Group today, too. Schwing.
  • Chris Dodson

    Is Texas Tech in Lubbock?
  • Chris Dodson

    Awesome! I have a friend who goes to Tech. If I ever visit him, you should be expecting a visit from me!
  • Ashlind

    Went by frosted java today, just to say hey welcome to the 'hood. It still looks like Dunn Bros. we will see. If it stays open long enough it will be good to see some art here in DFW, they are wanting art to be their draw... i'm still worried bout the name and the art connection ( lack of ) Either way its a step in the right direction for Snotty frisco.
  • Al Soto

    I have my machines in. Still hoping to open dec 15th.
  • The Barista Formerly Known As JavaJ

    Coffee shops should never use the name "java" if they can help it. I thought so even before I opened.
  • The Barista Formerly Known As JavaJ

    Not to mention Planet Coffee alum as well, yes. If you see him, tell him I just had lunch with Frank and he's doing well.
  • Rich Abker

    Good luck in Lubbock, Texas! Home of Buddy Holly, my brother, and coffee
    philosopher Jason Haeger 8-)
  • James Doyle

    Pretty good man. Taking it easy this year, focusing on school and trying to get done as soon as possible. I just scored a sweet deal on a commercial machine and enjoying all the goodness that comes with that. :) One of the groups needs a new solenoid, and I need to have it descaled, but it's still pretty awesome. What have you been up to?
  • Ben Kaminsky

    Whoa, how'd you score so many points?
  • Alex Negranza

    Bleh. I'm bummed I wasn't able to make it out to CF Chicago. I was suppose to compete in Millrock, but that fell through. I'm currently trying to find another cafe to work at, it's proving to be rougher than I thought, the economy is so crappy. How goes all things Haeger-like?
  • CoffeeBuzzMN

    Hi Jason! My business partner (and boyfriend) is also named Jason! :) I do have a lot to do in the next few months! I am very excited and very overwhelmed. Thank you so much for your offer for help--I will definitely keep your e-mail address handy. I posted a discussion in hopes of finding out people's favorite brands of machines, syrups, chocolate, etc. If you feel like commenting that would be a huge help! I really want to hear as many as opinions as I can before I start ordering! It's titled "Just Getting Started."

  • Joe Marrocco

    That would be great!! Do you still have family in the StL area? What part of StL are you from? By the way, whose coffee do you use in Lubbock, Cuvee?
  • Joe Marrocco

    Soulard is one of the coolest parts of the city. We held the MWRBC down there at the old Soulard Preservation Hall. Beautiful. June... maybe. Sounds great. Please do keep me posted. So you roast as well... Nice. Do you like it? Pretty hard work! Surprisingly hard!! Anyway... ramble ramble. Later!!
  • Imbibe Magazine

    A very belated thanks for the love, Jason!
  • Lorenzo Perkins

    Sorry to hear you won't be able to come down for the Smackdown on Saturday, but thanks for throwing it up on your site and spreadin' the word. If this goes well enough, we plan to make it a monthly event, the last Saturday of every month. Keep it alive in Texas!
  • Polecon-barista tool manufacture

    Hi, Jason, nice to see you here.
  • Joe Marrocco

    Sounds great man. Just keep me posted when you get your trip finalized, and we'll get together.
  • Al Soto

    Just dropping in to say hi. Hope all is well.
  • Al Soto

    Sales are up a little bit. My cold brew coffee is a big hit. So not too bad considering I have competition down the street from me now. They are horrible, but nonetheless people still go to them.
  • Charlie Biando

    ABSOLUTELY! my band will be swinging through texas for SXSW, so I have a hunch I'll be in the area again. Take care Jason.
  • Maggie Cook

    I'm headed to Austin, TX in the next few weeks, I'm moving there in May. What coffee shops should I check out while I'm there? I've been there once before but I wasn't able to check out any shops
  • Joseph Robertson

    Great to meet sincere Pro's like yourself. Other than a little SCAA workshop barista training from Matt the host of this site I have taught myself most machine and milk work. I can't wait for some serious milk steaming/ art work from a trainer of your caliper.
  • Latria Roberts

    just trying to get people to come to the chat room. :)
  • Lauren Kathleen Hodges

  • Adrian Huber

    Hello Jason, nice to meet you too. Lots of interesting things going on here....
  • Miranda Cole

    Thank you! I am excited to be here!
  • Jennifer Vourlos

  • Mark J. Stone, PhD, CPC

    I'm in the process of negotiations at the moment. Thanks for asking
  • Chris

    Hey, Jason! Yeah, I find this format a bit more tedious. There are a ton of Facebook/Myspace-type features that really have nothing to do with the conversation, and that tends to lead to FB adn MS kind of interactions. I still have a bit of an issue not being able to PM someone without committing to a friend relationship. And someone I never heard of or from wants me to be their friend? Uhm, do I *KNOW* you?

    Maybe I'm just old fashioned, maybe just getting old, I dunno... But, hey, thanks for the backup on the mypressi thread. You should get one. It;'s cheap, it's easy, and at really will make you look long and hard at the ten or fifteen grand worth of sheetmetal and milled brass sitting at your shop. I swear, have your two favorite baristi play with it for an hour, and then have one pull you shots with it while the other uses his favorite commercial machine. It'll blow you away.
  • Alicia (Mini)

    thank you i was thinking it was about time :]
  • Pete Forde

    Thanks for the welcome, Jason! Excited to be here.
  • Claudia Cabezas

    Hello Jason. Thanks for your interest. We can get you green Costa Rican coffee from Costa Rica. However, have you seen the prices? The difference is minimal as opposed to roasted coffee. If you are still interested, let me know, send me an email to claudia@cafedonvittorio.us and we can discuss your interests!