will frith

Ho Chi Minh City


Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, barista trainer, coffee roaster, coffee enthusiast, industry professional, consultant, service tech/repair, supplier, entrepreneur
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
Founder & Director: building.coffee in HCMC Vietnam

Past work:
Account Manager and Rep for Modbar/LM USA. Studying Vietnam's coffee industry, working with producer partners, building and cultivating a Specialty Coffee Community in Ho Chi Minh City.

roasting, customer support, training and education, quality control- olympia coffee roasting (olympia, wa)

roasting, retail cafe consultancy and training - independent

production specialist, roaster's assistant, training & education, customer support - batdorf & bronson coffee roasters (olympia, wa)

barista, staff manager, trainer, consultant - mod coffeehouse (galveston, tx)
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
all of it.(but staying safe in Vietnam for a while)
About Me:
i'm enthusiastic about everything coffee: origins, varieties, processing, roast styles, grinding and brewing, tasting, toys, sustainable solutions...

i travel well, enjoy slow-ness as well as fast-ness. and i read as much as wakefulness will allow, and then some...
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
constant change, constant excitement, a lack of constants... To study coffee is to study everything in the world: politics and culture, people and individuals, agriculture, biology, manufacturing and processing, shipping and logistics, storage and preparation, trial and error and the scientific method, evolution, flavor and taste, physics, business and craft, challenge and triumph, blessings and curses, euphoria and enlightenment!

Comment Wall:

  • K Med

  • Jenya

    SahWeeeeeet! I look forward to that.
    I am always down for anything pertaining to music. Do you guys ever have a Batdorf Jam-Session? Seems like there are so many Guitarists working there! I seem to recall hearing someone playing in the production area a year or 2 ago, when I was picking up some beans.
  • Michael Binns

    Thanks Will. It was cool meeting you at Coffee Fest and I look forward to seeing you in my shop.
  • pandaman73

    Hey I want to set up some training but i forgot my e-maill stuff. I guess I'll call you Monday.
  • Jenya

    Thanks for everything Will...from the mad skills you share/impart, to the delicious shot you pulled for me the other day! I had one happy mouth, lemme just say!! D-lish!!!
  • Steve MacDowall

    hello Frith and greetings from Canada - Steve
  • Britt

    Wahoo! I'm so excited to get in there and work on it! Lets do it!
  • Lauren

    Thanks for all of the support Will! Woot!

    Having fun judging at NWRBC?
  • Mike Cannon

    Will, thank you so much for coming out tonight! Batdorf represented in a big way, congrats!
  • K Med

    Frith! How are you these days?
  • Mike Cannon

    Rock Lobster.
  • Michael Binns

    Hey Will. Glad to hear the good news about Mod. My coffee roaster Fontana Roasters here in Houston are buddies with the owner there so I get updates now and then. My apologies for being out of touch. My wife and I had our first baby a few months ago and my schedule is still in major flux. I will keep in touch. Take care
  • Michael Binns

    Hey Will. I have a question for ya. We just built our own pour over station. Its a 4 group we made out of wood and painted. Saved us a lot of money. Have you had much experience working a pour over station and what suggestions can you share. I think we are the first coffee shop in Houston that is trying it. Also, not sure how to charge for customers and such. Whatever info you can give is appreciated. thanks.
  • emily jackson

    jason dominy is #4 on the bx leaderboard. how does that even happen? amazing.