Erik Barkley

Addison, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, coffee roaster, coffee enthusiast, entrepreneur
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Chicago USA
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
I have held every job in the coffee industry & enjoyed them all thoroughly but have found my calling in coffee roasting. I still love the adrenaline of jumping behind an espresso machine in a hectic cafe though!
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Ethiopia (give in), Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Honduras, Panama, Colombia, Brazil
About Me:
Coffee Obsession
About My Company:
Artisan, small batch roasting company located in Addison, IL. Providing wholesale & retail coffee.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
Finding a coffee that surprises me with new flavors

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