Bryan Wray


Vancouver, WA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee shop owner, barista trainer, coffee roaster
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Vancouver, WA
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Contact me with an exchange option and I'll let you know if I'm willing to go!
About Me:
Coffee is terrifying isn't it?

As baristas we usually screw up the coffee more than anyone else before us; that's if we're paying attention and at least a little lucky. Temperature, dose, dwell time, pressure, bloom, tamp, extraction time, coffee rest, grind. The variables are daunting.

Should you dose 18 grams? 18.5? 19 grams? Should the temperature be 200.5f? 201? How much should the shot yield? How long should it take? 25 seconds? 28 seconds? Pre-infusion? And what about tomorrow when the coffee is older, the air pressure is different and the door opens?

As professional baristas, the variables that face us from day to day are some of the most critical and finicky of any at any point in the chain.

It isn't our responsibility to add to the coffee. It's our responsibility not to screw it up. To pay attention. To learn. To educate. To adapt. To showcase everyone else's hard work while making ours look effortless.

If that isn't terrifying to you as a barista you need to reset your focus.

Welcome to coffee.
About My Company:
Compass Coffee is a quality focused roasting company with three cafe locations in the areas around Portland, OR. Our cafes focus on more traditional beverages with an emphasis on comparing different single origin espressos, as well as manually brewed coffees. We strive to obsess.

Some companies develop large mission statements with elaborate details, lofty goals, and words so foreign and confusing that you spend as much time deciphering it as the company did developing it.

While our goals are many and our passion is immense, our mission is simple. We want every person that walks out of our door to know one thing about coffee:

“Coffee is Culinary.”

Stop by one of our locations and experience our mission at work.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
Education through exploration.

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  • BreAnn Veldstra

    Hey!! I am taking a road tirp from Alaska to San Diego in May! Where in Vancover are you located?

    Ide love to try a cup of coffee from you!  

  • becca.

    long time, no throw down. hows the other coast?
  • Matt Milletto

    That's awesome!