Which can be best espresso machine in 200 dollars budget?

Hello, I am a coffee lover at the beginner level and now want to buy my first espresso machine. 

I have read a lot of reviews on google but still confused. because I want to buy De’Longhi EC155 but few people don't have good reviews and thoughts about this espresso machine.

One of my friend using Mr. Coffee ECMP1000 and a big fan of this machine he is continuously suggesting me this espresso machine but whenever he offered me coffee of this machine I really didn't like.

so please give me your opinion about the best machine at the beginner level?

Note: I on a tight budget around 200 dollars

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    Dustin Arnold

    Jump to keurig not working - This is a common complaint and at least 1 in every 10 users suggest that there Keurig not working in various online reviews.

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    Frederick harley

    First of all talk about the budget... Do you want a fully automatic machine ( which is usually not the best cup of coffee but makes it easy to make a cup) A balance would be semi-automatic where you grind your own beans and then tamp them into a portafilter and make your espresso,

    If you thinking of anything under 200 dollars - get yourself a brand new "older version" of ( not a new version) the Nespresso. If you adjust the water dispenser and buy a quality pod ( e.g. Cafe Barbone) you will have a decent cup ( better than most places in the US make) If you want a cup like the one you get in a cafe in Italy - you are going to need to go close to and over 1000 There are some in-between Read thru these websites



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    Best Products House

    Dear Mr. Faisal Rana,

    As you are telling that you are not finding a good review for DeLonghi EC155, I have been searching google in order to help you. Finally, I have found this review of Delonghi EC155 and hope it will help you a lot.

    Thanking you
